Júlio Pereira Cavaquinho.pt


Cavaquinho.pt consists of a 112-page digibook, illustrated by Pedro Sousa Pereira and includes a text by João Luis Oliva.

This CD presents an innovative musical proposal by Júlio Pereira, a prominent composer and interpreter, a pioneer in the revitalization, updating and diffusion of traditional Portuguese cordophones.

Constituting the cavaquinho and some genres and musical styles of Minho, the region of origin of the instrument, as a matrix, the composer crosses several musical languages, evoking the travels of the Portuguese and the cavaquinho from Minho to Cape Verde, passing through Brazil and Hawaii.

More than three decades since the release of his LP Cavaquinho in 1981 when Júlio Pereira requalified the instrument, adapting it to the styles of the then emerging Portuguese popular music, this CD constitutes a milestone that opens new horizons for the cavaquinho in its global trajectory .

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Cavaquinho.pt consists of a 112-page digibook, illustrated by Pedro Sousa Pereira and includes a text by João Luis Oliva.

This CD presents an innovative musical proposal by Júlio Pereira, a prominent composer and interpreter, a pioneer in the revitalization, updating and diffusion of traditional Portuguese cordophones.

Constituting the cavaquinho and some genres and musical styles of Minho, the region of origin of the instrument, as a matrix, the composer crosses several musical languages, evoking the travels of the Portuguese and the cavaquinho from Minho to Cape Verde, passing through Brazil and Hawaii.

More than three decades since the release of his LP Cavaquinho in 1981 when Júlio Pereira requalified the instrument, adapting it to the styles of the then emerging Portuguese popular music, this CD constitutes a milestone that opens new horizons for the cavaquinho in its global trajectory .

Weight227 g
Dimensions14 × 13.1 × 1.6 cm


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