It is in the subtleness of the Portuguese people cultural preservation that Ângela Subtil (subtle) visits the Serra de Aire, more specifically, Minde. It is at the Local Association of Minde that a Portuguese manual loom works the natural wool to make the original patterns of Subtil’s products.

Also known as Subtilloom, this brand aims to keep alive a heritage that is being lost and remind artisans who still keep alive the art of weaving.

Thus, blankets, purses and wallets are inspired by the ancient patterns and produced, with wool and sheepskin, by the wise and calloused hands of Minde weavers.

“They are threads with history,” says Angela when she speaks of her passion for maintaining the Portuguese culture. The desire of this entrepreneur to deepen the craftsmanship, the manual techniques and the green materials soak these pieces in immaterial value.

It is a Subtle idea that revived the pattern of the Minde blankets and applied them to other products to imprint modernity.

If you think that because they are made of wool they can only be used in winter, we invite you to visit Mar d’Estórias and see all the patterns and colours of the summer collection that have just arrived.