Portuguese is a very rich language in sayings, most of which don’t make sense, especially when literally translated into English. Below check our choice of expressions with the literal translation and their meaning:
Engolir sapos | “Swallow frogs”
Meaning: Accept unpleasant things
Dormir sobre o assunto | “To sleep on the subject”
Meaning: Think/Sleep before you act
Tira o cavalinho da chuva | “Take the little horse from the rain”
Meaning: Don’t count on that!
Muitos anos a virar frangos | “Many years turning chickens”
Meaning: A lot of experience/knowledge
Ter muita lata | “A lot of cans”
Meaning: 100% shameless
Dor de cotovelo | “Elbow ache”
Meaning: To envy
Chatear camões | “Go bother Camões”
Meaning: Go bother someone else / Leave me alone
Soltar a franga | “Release the chicken”
Meaning: Have a lot of fun
Ir com os porcos | “Go with the pigs”
Meaning: Die
Now that you know the meaning of all the expressions we share with you a message from Mar d’Estorias compiling all expressions:
In life, but mainly at work sometimes we need to swallow frogs or sleep on the subject when our boss says for us to take the little horse from the rain; we can have a lot of cans or we turn chickens for many years now but there is always someone with an elbow ache. So, we advise you to send them to bother Camões, release the chicken and enjoy life, because we know that we are all destined to go with the pigs!