História com uma pitada de sal

A History with a Dash of Salt

Salt is not just a seasoning; it is one of human history’s oldest and most essential ingredients. Its significance dates back to refrigeration, making it crucial for preserving food. In many civilisations, salt was even used as currency. The word “salary” originates from salt, highlighting the immense value this...

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Vista Alegre: 200 years of memories

Vista Alegre: 200 years of memories, art, and tables that tell stories

This article highlights the treasures found in mothers’ and grandmothers’ glazed cabinets. These delicate items are only brought out on special occasions. They are pieces from Vista Alegre, cherished like treasures and silent witnesses to decades of family gatherings. Whether at Christmas, Easter, or a special birthday, these porcelains transport...

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A Subtle Idea

It is in the subtleness of the Portuguese people cultural preservation that Ângela Subtil (subtle) visits the Serra de Aire, more specifically, Minde. It is at the Local Association of Minde that a Portuguese manual loom works the natural wool to make the original patterns of Subtil’s products. (more…)

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Mates, let’s sing the Janeiras

The normally cold nights of January are flooded with traditional songs to welcome the New Year. Singing the Janeiras, is a recurring event in Portugal that starts at dawn on the Day of Kings (Dia de Reis), and is surrounded by a popular spirit of friends who come together...

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