One of the oldest types of fishing in the Algarve continues to persist on the beach of Meia Praia by the only master of the Xávega art (traditional trawl fishing) who is still licensed in Lagos – José Glória, known as Mestre Zé Bala – the skipper. (more…)
In the plains of the Alentejo, more precisely in the village of Alcáçovas, in Viana do Alentejo, one can still hear the distinct sound of the cattle bells that wander the pastures. (more…)
It’s in the confection details as well as the knowledge acquired from the past generations, that the richness of Portuguese regional gastronomy is based. If there are dishes that identify the Algarvian culinary heritage, the carapaus alimados (horse mackerel Algarve style) is, undoubtedly, one of them. (more…)
We must go back to the end of the World War I (1918) to find, in Porto, the pharmacy that would create the emblematic Pasta Medicinal Couto (Couto Toothpaste). (more…)
Mar d’Estórias is a project that bustles with ideas that are faithful to modernity, but very rooted in heritage. It is by knowing the past of our city that we also discover our history. (more…)
It is in the subtleness of the Portuguese people cultural preservation that Ângela Subtil (subtle) visits the Serra de Aire, more specifically, Minde. It is at the Local Association of Minde that a Portuguese manual loom works the natural wool to make the original patterns of Subtil’s products. (more…)
If the concept of Mar d’Estórias is based on the demand for the quality and tradition of the Portuguese product, then the bet on artisanal beer is an unavoidable one. Craft beer is distinguished from big brands of beer, not only for maintaining the artisan principles but for prizing...
The re-encounter with the traditional food aromas of the Algarve is made with the versatility of the cornmeal. If formerly the xerém was intrinsically associated with the social and economic context of the Portuguese and the working class, today it remains an emblematic dish of the Algarve homemade cuisine....
It is on the stream banks that you can find the necessary material for Mr. José Rosa to create his pieces. Alongside a small stream in Monchique, Mr. José has planted wicker, which grows in the spring, to be able to work in the handmade baskets he makes in his spare time. ...
Today we approach something very Portuguese, a feeling very much our own – Saudade! An untranslated word meaning homesickness but with a more profound sense. The one that the immigrant carries within the luggage whenever he leaves this country, even for a brief period of time. (more…)
We set foot towards the other side of the Algarve, with chef Megan, to realise why there are traditional flavours that are worth keeping. (more…)
The MUD brand – Made Under Design – has been part of the Mar d’Estórias shop since the first day we opened doors. The family business began as a hobby by the hand of Mr João Batista, but it soon became a serious success story! (more…)
If there are stories that are worth telling about, a revolution ruled by songs and flowers is, undoubtedly, one of them. It is a story of oppressed people who reacted and protested against a dictatorial regime that lasted 48 years. (more…)
To mark World Coffee Day, Mar d’ Estórias refers to the pride of the Flor da Selva brand in preserving the heritage of Portuguese culture in coffee roasting. (more…)
The history of Portuguese beauty products is ancient and transverse to times. In search of tradition, Mar d’Estórias shares the vital praise that Benamôr makes to Portugal. (more…)
In Portugal, the widespread practice of offering a gift to the godchildren at Easter is a Catholic tradition. It is still usual to offer Easter Cake with eggs (“folar com ovos”) or sugar-coated, chocolate or caramelised almonds, to the godchildren, family and friends. One of the meanings of almonds...
In the constant search to offer a more authentic gastronomic experience, our Chef at Mar d’Estórias has identified suitable ingredients for her culinary creations. (more…)
The motto of Mar d’Estórias since its opening in 2016 has been creativity. Do you know why? Since the beginning we have within our team the shop assistant Gabriela Rodrigues that is not limited to the management of the store of Mar d’Estórias. (more…)
The Alentejan blankets come from a heritage and a centuries’ long tradition rooted in the identity of the pastors and communities who worked the land. These were essential for the middle-class of earlier times and were used to protect them from the cold, but are now used for decorative...
The Contribution of Daniel Fonseca to Mar d’Estórias The soul of a store is more than its products; it’s also their staff and their stories! (more…)
The normally cold nights of January are flooded with traditional songs to welcome the New Year. Singing the Janeiras, is a recurring event in Portugal that starts at dawn on the Day of Kings (Dia de Reis), and is surrounded by a popular spirit of friends who come together...
Discover the suggestions from Mar d’Estórias for this Christmas and gift the ones you like best with Portuguese scents and flavours. (more…)
Now that the cooler days of the winter are approaching, nothing like a good cup of Gorreana Tea to warm your hands, your heart and your soul! (more…)
On All Saints’ Day, Mar d’Estórias learned the Algarvian tradition of making Estrelas de Figo (“fig and almond stars”) that are traditionally made around this time (1st November). (more…)
Mar d’Estórias went to visit the estate that presents serenity and a journey into the traditions of the Alentejo, with all the comfort and contemporaneity that will make an experience unforgettable – the Herdade da Malhadinha Nova, in Alentejo. (more…)
The art of working with resources offered by nature and transforming them into objects is one of the most significant legacies of humankind. (more…)
There is a sea of products full of history available in the most Portuguese shop in Lagos that, due to their respect for Portuguese customs, have become more than mere products and started to work in partnership with Mar d’Estórias. (more…)
Here is a second article of Algarve expressions, this time with help from people who commented and made suggestions as a result of the first article. (more…)
It is worthwhile focusing on the theme that involves so-called liquid gold. For centuries olive oil was an important exchange currency for several societies and today it is an indispensable ingredient in Mediterranean gastronomy. (more…)
Tomatoes are one of the ingredients that are included in our daily food routine; and who doesn’t like to dip a piece of bread into the tomato salad bowl, while eating grilled sardines? (more…)